+959 42000 4565With over a million records within our Invisiron® Cyber Threat Intelligence feeds, Invisiron® Security Threat Analysis and Research Team (Invisiron® STAR Team) has implemented unique rulesets to mitigate cyber attacks and protect 100,000+ users worldwide, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Bi-directional packet inspection, certified with the International Common Criteria Certification
24/7 hourly cloud-based rule updates
Our Cloud Based Remote Monitoring software for multiple cybersecurity platforms
At the core of Invisiron® is C3X™ which features three mission critical technologies
The Invisiron® Cyber Defence device operates in stealth mode, without any IP addresses or Media Access Control (MAC) addresses. This renders it invisible to cyber criminals when deployed. Hackers attempting to penetrate the network will not be able to detect the presence of an Invisiron® device
The Invisiron® Cyber Defence device operates in stealth mode, without any IP addresses or Media Access Control (MAC) addresses. This renders it invisible to cyber criminals when deployed. Hackers attempting to penetrate the network will not be able to detect the presence of an Invisiron® device
Network packets are processed at near line rate without degrading the Internet bandwidth.
The Invisiron Cyber Defence Platform operates fully autonomous with no user intervention needed. Threats are detected and mitigated fully automatically and in real-time.
For more details about Invisiron, please contact us via email